First Frost, by Amy Floyd

First Frost, Amy Floyd
First Frost, Amy Floyd
First Frost, Amy Floyd
First Frost, Amy Floyd
First Frost, Amy Floyd
First Frost, Amy Floyd
First Frost, Amy Floyd
First Frost, Amy Floyd
sold out

First Frost, by Amy Floyd


This piece is available for PURCHASE here:

Art One Gallery

This is a mixed media painting 18x18”, with a depth of 1.5 inches. Acrylic, oil and metallic paints were used in the creation of this piece. The sides are also painted to match the artwork. Each piece is varnished, signed, dated, and ready to be hung.

Orders will be shipped within 3 days of cleared payment.

*All artwork is owned and copyrighted by Amy Floyd. Please do not use without permission.

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This piece is only available through Art One Gallery in Scottsdale, AZ.  Please follow the link for details. Thank you for your interest.